1st RST Hackathon: Parcel delivery with the help of mobile robots - on land and from the air
The Chair of RST (Control Systems Technology) will hold its first hackathon on October 26 and 27, 2024 under the title "Parcel delivery using mobile…
Best Presentation Award at the ICCRE 2024 in Osaka
At the 9th International Conference on Control and Robotics Engineering (ICCRE 2024) in Osaka, Japan, the RST presented a paper on "Feedback Control…
RST at the ICASI2024 in Kyoto
The RST participated in the ICASI2024 conference in Kyoto.
RST at the VDI Mechatronics Conference 2024 in Dresden
Last week at the VDI Mechatronics Conference 2024 in Dresden, RST presented how the light distribution of high-resolution matrix headlights for…
Paper at the AMC24 conference in Kyoto
This week, the AMC24 conference takes place in Kyoto.
We present a paper that proposes a hierarchical motion planner as extension to a previous…
WDR Lokalzeit reports on RST research vehicle
A report on the RST research vehicle was broadcast on WDR Lokalzeit Südwestfalen. It reports on the DEmandäR project, in which initial data is being…
Accurate point clouds and Lanelet2 vector maps
HD-Maps are essential for various subtasks of automated driving.
We created accurate pointcloud and Lanelet2 vector maps for the 25km long DEmandäR…
RST represented with two contributions at the IEEE ROBIO 2023
The RST presented two papers at IEEE ROBIO 2023 titled "Comparing Human Motion Forecasts in Moving Horizon Trajectory Planning of Collaborative…
RST presented the new DriverMonitoring benchmark dataset
At the 9th Driving Simulation Symposium, RST presented the new DriverMonitoring benchmark dataset manD1.0, an open-access multimodal dataset that is…
Promotion of Mr. Robert Gonschorek
We congratulate Mr. Robert Gonschorek on successfully completing his doctorate "Cooperative Lateral Vehicle Guidance Control for Automated Vehicles…
RST at the IROS2023 in Detroit
Last week at IROS2023 in Detroit, we presented the following two papers.
Differentiable Constrained Imitation Learning for Robot Motion Planning and…
18th DortmunderAutoTag
On 07.09. the 18th DortmunderAutoTag took place in the IHKzuDortmund! We would like to thank all speakers, exhibitors and participants for their great…
Virtual lab tour
We are working on the presentation of our experimental systems on Youtube. The first videos are already available online, more will follow in the next…
Review of 3D point cloud object detectors for imaging radar sensor data.
Our contribution on reviewing 3D Point Cloud Object Detectors for Imaging Radar sensor data was presented on the 3D Vision and Robotics Workshop at…
DDPM-based multimodal point cloud prediction approach.
Learning-based trajectory predictions require elaborately generated data sets. Prediction from raw data, where no manual annotation is required,…
Heiko Renz awarded the Hans Uhde Prize
Heiko Renz, research assistant at the Chair of Control Systems Engineering, has been awarded the Hans-Uhde Prize 2023 as one of four graduates of the…
Successfully completed doctorate
We congratulate Mr. Andreas Homann on his successfully completed Ph. "Trajectory following control for automated vehicles - Investigations for a…
Filming in the laboratory area of the IRF
A team of the rehabilitation sciences of the TU Dortmund and the design department of the FH Dortmund made a film in our lab with director Florian…
Paper on 3D Radar object detection got accepted by the CVPR 2023
We are glad our paper on 3D Radar object detection got accepted by the CVPR 2023 Workshop on 3D Vision & Robotics.
First results look promising, but…
Differentiable Constrained Imitation Learning for Robot Motion Planning and Control
In the age of large language models, imposing constraints on learning-based approaches becomes even more critical. Therefore, we developed a method to…
Members of the Inner Wheel Club Moers visit the IRF
On Wednesday, members of the Inner Wheel Club Moers and guests visited the Institute for Robot Research. During the guided tour, the different…