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Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology


Scope and credits

2 lecture hours, 1 exercise hour, 4.5 credits

General information

The lecture Mechanics is part of the elective module Fundamentals of Mechatronics for students of the Bachelor's degree program ETIT

Dates and materials

All materials for the lecture and exercise as well as current dates can be found together with the lecture Introduction to Mechatronics in the joint Moodle course. Enrolment is via registration for Mechanics in the LSF

You will be automatically enrolled in the corresponding Moodle course after registering in the LSF (up to one hour later), where you will then find all further information:

  • Slides
  • Exercises
  • timetable
  • Dates / Location

Prerequisite for participation in the module examination:

  • Mechanics:
    Successful completion of at least one of the two written exercises
  • Mechatronics:
    Successful completion of at least one of the two written exercises (one written exercise each is offered in Parts I and II);
    Successful participation in one practical exercise each in Parts I and II

Module examination in the form of a written examination (3 h) or oral examination (45 minutes)

  • 50% mechanics (1.5 h / 20 minutes)
  • 50% mechatronics (1.5 h / 20 minutes)


Engineering Mechanics
Volume 1: Statics

Gross, D., Hauger, W, (et al.), 2009

Engineering Mechanics
Volume 3: Kinetics

Gross, D., Hauger, W, (et al.), 2008

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