Verify a collision avoidance system before integration into a test vehicle

In order to verify a collision avoidance system before integration into a test vehicle, its functionality is tested in a realistic simulation environment. The model-predictive trajectory set approach (MPTSA) is implemented in parallel using CUDA C, which guarantees real-time capability compared to a sequential implementation.
The used algorithm avoids collisions by predicting a trajectory set and by selecting the best input variable based on the evaluation of an objective function. The prediction of each trajectory and the evaluation with respect to optimality is independent of the other trajectories so that these tasks can be performed in parallel. It is shown that for the calculation of few trajectories a standard prototyping system with a sequential execution has a shorter execution time. However, for a higher number of trajectories, which are required for combined brake evasive maneuvers, the implementation on a graphics processor shows significant advantages regarding computing time.