Subject study in the research project „MoFFa“

Last week, the first test persons took part in a test person study of the chair RST within the research project "MoFFa" ("Holistic model for the description of task distribution and task transfer between human driver and driver assistance system in automated and networked driving"). In the study the chairs Nissan Leaf vehcile is used to investigate the effects of automated driving according to SAE Level 3 on the reactions and well-being of subjects. The vehicle is equipped with various sensors for environment and interior detection. An Ouster OS1 laser scanner provides highly accurate measurements of the environment.
6 cameras allow a 360° panoramic view. A high precision RTK-DGPS system allows the localization of the vehicle with an accuracy of up to 1 cm. A Mobileye 630 camera system serves as a reference measurement of other road users and road markings. Two RealSense D435 depth cameras, a Tobii Pro Glasses 2 Eye-Tracking Goggles for gaze measurement and an Empatica
E4 wristband are used for interior detection. The Robot Operating System
(ROS) is used as the basic framework for the acquisition and algorithmic processing of the acquired data.
The study takes place at the test site of the Research and Technology Center for Load Securing in Selm. In order to be able to conduct the driving tests despite the current corona pandemic, a safety concept was developed and approved by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health of the TU Dortmund University. In case you are interested in participating in the study as a test person, please contact franz.albers[at]