1st RST Hackathon: Parcel delivery with the help of mobile robots - on land and from the air

Only students of TU Dortmund University who are enrolled in the following Bachelor's or Master's degree programs are eligible to participate: Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Computer Science, Applied Computer Science and Industrial Engineering and Management. Master's students must not have started their master's thesis at the time of the hackathon (26 and 27.10.2024). Master's students who are currently or at the time of the hackathon employed as research assistants at the Chair of RST are excluded.
The registration ofinterested students takes place via LSF, from where eligible students are enrolled in a Moodle course. Further information, e.g. on the Python programming test, further dates or the hackathon itself, will be provided in the Moodle course. Registration is only possible until 29.08.2024, 12:00 noon.
A maximum of 24 students can participate, who will be divided into six teams of four members each. Students can register as a team (2-4 people) or as an individual. The teams can be formed in Moodle itself.
In the period from 16-30.08.2024, those wishing to participate must complete a Python programming test (approx. 30 minutes for Python beginners) at any time. This serves as a selection procedure for the 24 starting places.
For students without experience with the Python programming language, introductory Python tutorials can be found in the Moodle course.
The registration in the LSF, which is required if you are interested, is not yet a binding confirmation of participation, but merely serves the purpose of admission to the corresponding Moodle course. Participation is only confirmed once you have taken part in the small programming test.