Niklas Stannartz
Research focus
- Efficient landmark-based localization in HD maps using semantic sensor information
- Recognition of outdated HD map data by the vehicle's own sensor technology
Conference contributions and presentations
- Stannartz, N., L. Jui-Lin, M. Waldner, T. Bertram: Semantic Landmark-based HD Map Localization Using Sliding Window Max-Mixture Factor Graphs, 2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 2021
- Schmidt, M., N. Stannartz and T. Bertram: Analysis of Depth Estimation and Semantic Segmentation Algorithms for the Environment Perception of Automated Vehicles, ATZ live - Automatisiertes Fahren 2020, Wiesbaden, October 2020
- Stannartz, N., M. Theers, A. Llarena, M. Sons, M. Kuhn and T. Bertram: Comparison of Curve Representations for Memory-Efficient and High-Precision Map Generation, 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Virtual Conference, September 2020
- Bartsch, K., N. Stannartz, M. Schmidt, T. Bertram: Functional Simulation of automotive Lidar and Camera Sensors, presented at AmE 2020 - Automotive meets Electronics; 11th GMM-Symposium
March 2020.
- Oeljeklaus, M., N. Stannartz, M. Schmidt, F. Hoffmann and T. Bertram: Vehicle detection with stationary cameras for automatic traffic monitoring, AUTOREG 2019, Mannheim, pp. 67-76
July 2019 - Stannartz, N., C. Wissing, M. Krüger, A. Tolmidis, S. Ali, T. Nattermann and T. Bertram: Ego-Motion Correction based on Static Objects detected by an Automotive Lidar Sensor System, Automotive meets Electronics (AmE), Dortmund
March 2019 - Stannartz, N., A. Tolmidis, O. Kind and T. Bertram: Comparison of graph- and Kalman-filter-based methods for improved ego-motion estimation based on detected static objects, International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM D-A-CH), Aachen
February 2019
Journal and book contributions
- Diehl,C., N.Stannartz, T. Bertram : Navigation with Uncertain Map Data for Automated Vehicles
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden - Stannartz, N., M. Theers, M. Sons; A. Llarena, M. Kuhn, O.M. Kind, T. Bertram : Efficient Localization on Highways Employing Public HD Maps and Series-Production Sensors, 21st International Stuttgart Symposium. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2021
- Oeljeklaus, M., N. Stannartz, M. Schmidt, F. Hoffmann and T. Bertram: Fahrzeugdetektion mit stationären Kameras zur automatischen Verkehrsüberwachung, Forschung im Ingenieurwesen 2019, Springer, Berlin
May 2019
Student research projects / Bachelor's / Master's theses
- L. Meier-Ebert:
Analysis of depth estimation algorithms for the environment perception of automated vehicles,
Master's thesis at the Chair of Control Systems Engineering at Dortmund University of Technology,
November 2019.
Supervision: M. Schmidt, N. Stannartz, T. Bertram - J. Adamek:
Development of a model for deriving lane change requests of automated vehicles,
Bachelor's thesis at the Chair of Control Systems Engineering at Dortmund University of Technology,
September 2019.
Supervision: M. Schmidt, N. Stannartz, T. Bertram - M. Nikolov:
Comparison of 3D-Lidar-SLAM Methods for high-precision Mapping and Localization,
Bachelorthesis am Lehrstuhl für Regelungssystemtechnik der Technischen Universität Dortmund,
August 2019.
Supervision: N. Stannartz, M. Schmidt, T. Bertram - K. Bartsch:
Echtzeitfähige Objektdetektion von exterozeptiven Fahrzeugsensoren zur Simulation und Optimierung verschiedener Sensortopologien,
Masterthesis am Lehrstuhl für Regelungssystemtechnik der Technischen Universität Dortmund,
May 2019.
Supervision: N. Stannartz, M. Schmidt, T. Bertram